Question for the Day 24 aug 06

1. Some Time Back India showed a Lot of interest in Buying this Technology.
2. The need for this Technology arose because of a Limitation posed by Earth.
3. Its sale was denied to China because of US Pressure.
4. Birds
Answer for the day ?
Well the Answer I was looking for is AWACS / Phalcons.
AWACS : Air Borne Warning and Control Sytem designed by USA . Phalcons is there Israeli counter part.
This Technology is basically a radar type thing mounted on a Plane. ( India uses IL 76 ) to warn of incoming enemy Planes.
Limitation posed by Mother Earth ::
Because of Curvature of earth . No ground based Radar Can look beyond 100 kms. But when the technology is sophisticated enough to be mounted on
a Plane. The Radar can look upto 400 kms.
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